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“Scrumptious Grilled Dried Pollack Atop Fluffy Rice: A Delightful Korean Delight”

Discover the Delights of Gangwon-do’s Dried Pollack: A Regional Specialty

Nestled in the mountainous regions of Gangwon-do, South Korea, a unique and flavorful delicacy awaits – dried pollack. This regional specialty is a testament to the ingenuity and culinary traditions of the local people.

Grilled Dried Pollack with Rice

Pollack, a type of cod, is carefully hung out to dry during the winter months, when the fluctuating temperatures of thawing and freezing create a tender and savory dried fish. The process is carried out in the traditional drying houses, known as “deokjang,” scattered throughout the mountainous areas of Gangwon-do.

One of the most popular dishes featuring this dried pollack is Grilled Dried Pollack with Rice. The dried pollack is grilled and coated with a spicy red chili paste sauce, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. The savory notes of the dried pollack are perfectly complemented by the kick of the sauce, making for a truly delightful culinary experience.

To further enhance the dish, it is often accompanied by Aster Leaf Salad or Thistle Salad, adding a refreshing and crunchy element to the meal. The combination of the tender, flavorful dried pollack, the spicy sauce, and the crisp salad creates a symphony of taste and texture that is sure to delight the senses.

Discover the unique and captivating flavors of Gangwon-do’s dried pollack, a regional specialty that showcases the ingenuity and culinary prowess of the local people. Indulge in the Grilled Dried Pollack with Rice and let your taste buds be transported to the heart of this picturesque region.

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