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“Savoring the Sea’s Bounty: Silvetia Siliquosa Soup (듬북국)”

Deumbugi, or channelled wrack, is a specialty product of Jindo. This soup was a valued folk dish offered to guests at family feasts. It is counted as one of the Eight Delicacies of Jindo. Even today, one can find many restaurants offering Deumbukguk in Jindo. It is a dish that one has to sample when traveling in Jindo. Deumbukguk is made by boiling cleaned channelled wrack in water that the rice was rinsed and then flavoring it with minced green onions, garlic, and salt. Its flavor resembles that of a sea in fragrance and its refreshing quality. It goes excellently with steamed rice, and it can be eaten as a hangover soup or as a complement to alcoholic beverages. Another version of this dish is Channelled Wrack and Galbi Soup.

Deumbugi SoupThe image source is

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