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“My Favorite Blue Crab and Soybean Paste Stew (꽃게된장찌개)”

Soybean Paste Jjigae with Blue CrabsThis pot of Soybean Paste Jjigae is augmented by the addition of blue crabs, which imparts a gentle savory note to the soup. One can also part the sweet flesh from the shell, so this dish is bound to be popular with all. Soybean paste is stirred into a broth made of anchovies and kelp and brought to a boil. Then, blue crabs are washed and put into the soup, and onions, summer squash, bean curd, and extra spicy chili pepper are added once the pot reaches a rolling boil. When brought out to the table, this still-boiling stew pot fulfills its proverbial role as “rice thief,” a dish that goes so well with rice that it is akin to a thief stealing rice right from under the diner.

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