Discover the Culinary Delight of Yeongju: A Harmonious Blend of Local Specialties
This menu was developed by the city of Yeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, using the specialty agricultural products of the region. Restaurants in Yeongju serve this dish made from golden oak mushrooms and five kinds of vegetables harvested in the region. The rice is steamed with burdock root and golden oak mushrooms and is topped with slightly stir-fried golden oak mushrooms, carrots, pumpkin, and bean sprouts, with thin slices of Punggi ginseng crowning the bowl. Add a spoonful of Soybean Paste Jjigae and sauce made with chopped extra spicy chili pepper, mix as needed, and take a spoonful of a refreshing blast of flavor. The dish is complemented with a fragrant side dish made from the region’s golden oak mushrooms such as Pan-fried Battered Golden Oak Mushrooms and Pickled Golden Oak Mushrooms. Golden oak mushrooms are well-known for their health benefits, so one truly feels healthy after eating them to one’s heart’s content.
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