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“My Grandma’s Treasured Anchovy Stew (멜조림)”

Dive into the Flavors of Jeju: Discover the Captivating “Meljorim” Dish

This Jeju folk dish features anchovies braised in soy sauce. Its name in Korean, “Meljorim,” references the Jeju language word for anchovies, “Mel.” The dish is also known as “Meljijim.” Large hauls of anchovy have characterized the Jeju spring since ancient times. Large and plump anchovies are common ingredients on the southern coast of Korea and Jeju, where they are prepared in various ways like deep-frying and soup. The “Meljijim” in Jeju traditionally uses dried large anchovies. Today, fresh anchovies are sometimes used as well. The dish itself is prepared by braising large anchovies with soy sauce, cooking wine, green chili pepper, garlic, and sesame oil. Grill restaurants in Jeju often replace the mixed paste with Salted or Braised Anchovies. They add a rich, savory flavor and a plump texture to the meat.

Meljorim DishThe image source is

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